We’ll use this space to highlight some of the things you need to know about your Comfort Life membership, such as new profile updates. We’ll also use it to highålight items of more general interest, including what we and our members are involved in, projects we’re working on, developments in the marketplace, and ideas we think you’ll be interested in.
June 2024: Key takeaways from the Comfort Life Lunch & Learn
The Comfort Life Lunch & Learn is back! On May 28, over 40 retirement living marketers and sales leaders joined us for some intentional learning, discussion about marketing challenges and opportunities, and trends in senior living and care. A lot was shared.
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May 2024: What we learned from talking to our users
Recently we reached out to Comfort Life users, asking for feedback on how we’ve helped them and how we can improve. Here are three key insights I want to share from what they told us...
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April 2024: Testimonials vs. reviews
Keen marketers should acknowledge important differences between testimonials and reviews. Testimonials present your community in its best light,sure, and you feel proud of their professionalism. But that can also look slick to prospects. To truly build strong trust in your brand, testimonials alone aren’t enough. Reviews are far more impactful, trusted by 90% of consumers. And longform reviews and video reviews on a third party source are...
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March 2024: The importance of deep relationships with prospects
This month marks the fourth anniversary of the “official” beginning of the pandemic when the world changed overnight. People lost trust in many things, perhaps most undeniably in senior care. We’re still rebuilding that, to be honest, right? With that in mind, transparency and integrity are more critical than ever. Here are three ways to build relationships with prospects.
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February 2024: Improved landing pages increase the value of your membership
Now 16 years young, ComfortLife.ca has grown to more than 3200 web pages, reaching more than 23 million people on Google in the past year. We never stop, though. We’re thrilled to share the relaunch of our 691 main landing pages. Here's a look at what's new.
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September-October 2023: 21st annual Comfort Life Guide to Retirement Living
The 21st annual Comfort Life Guide to Retirement Living will be distributed in October in The Vancouver Sun, The Calgary Herald, The Toronto Star, and The Globe and Mail. It gives Canadians a no-nonsense guide to help them make the best choice possible. Here’s at look at what they’ll find.
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August 2023: Reviews vs. testimonials: why testimonials on your website aren’t enough
Context matters: learn 6 ways you can bolster your reviews and testimonials.
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July 2023: Transforming your community marketing with authentic videos
Consumer video consumption and trust vary in unexpected ways. Find out what kinds of videos consumers actually watch and which they actually trust.
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June 2023: Deconstructing The Comfort Life Report: Part Two
We continue to delve deeper into the tools provided by the Comfort Life Report, which millions of Canadians rely on to make their retirement decisions.
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May 2023: Deconstructing The Comfort Life Report
The Comfort Life community report (formerly known as the “community profile”) is essential to senior living research for millions of families over the past 20 years. In part one of our look at what's new, we survey the changes we added to the main page.
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April 2023: Learnings shared at Together We Care
At the Together We Care conference, Comfort Life’s James Shi presented insights and best practices on the power of activating your network of storytellers—your residents, staff, partners, and resident families. Learn how we're helping you do this.
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March 2023: Launch of the Comfort Life Report
We’ve launched the first step in expanding your profile page into the multi-faceted Comfort Life report, giving even more authority to your presence on our media.
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February 2023: Emphasizing the most important thing we sell.
What is the most important thing we sell? It's not amenities, nor lifestyle, nor even companionship, but safety. Pending updates to your ComfortLife.ca profile will provide ample opportunity for you to emphasize this.
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January 2023: Compelling third party validation for prospects.
ComfortLife.ca gives our member communities a powerful alternative online presence that influences people in ways your website can't. When making retirement living decisions, families want insight from a credible independent source.
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December 2022: Give prospects genuine third party perspectives.
Before choosing your community, people need full feel confidence. They gain this best through stories and testimonies from fellow seniors and family members that are nuanced, candid, thorough — and not coming through you. Learn about improvements to reviews and insider perspectives on Comfort Life.
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November 2022: addressing questions people have while researching.
This week, 140,000 copies of the annual Comfort Life Retirement Living Guide were distributed through Canada’s major newspapers, reaching 300,000 readers nationwide. Here, we take a detailed look at how specific questions were answered in the 20th annual edition of our guide.
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October 2022: Preview of our 20th anniversary retirement guide
Our 20th anniversary Comfort Life Retirement Living Guide follows a completely new format that focuses on the questions that family members and seniors work through as they navigate choices in retirement living and senior care. Here's a preview of the new format.
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September 2022: A 20th anniversary shout out to you!
This being our 20th year, I’d like to take a minute to say “thank you” to members. Every one of you is unique, working with Comfort Life to help build a national platform that presents the very best of the retirement industry.
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August 2022: Seniors, families and prospects rely on Comfort Life for more than just discovering new options.
Seniors, families and prospects rely on Comfort Life for more than just discovering new options. In fact, many of our readers and website users use both ComfortLife.ca and our print Retirement Guide specifically as a reference guide when making their final decision.
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July 2022: Take a deeper look at your client’s journey.
Take two minutes with me to look deeper into the journey a family or senior follows when choosing a retirement community. Specifically, let’s look at what happens toward the end of their process. What are they looking for after they've talked to you?
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June 2022: Prospects go far beyond one click. So should you.
Many marketers rely on clicks as a measurement of marketing campaign effectiveness, but it’s not at all that simple. Here, we look at the impact of risk and complexity in the retirement home choice and the effect this has on the user’s choice process. And in that extended research process, Comfort Life is absolutely necessary to users.
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May 2022: How we’re going to make your job easier in 2022
Two significant profile additions we’re launching this year will expand users’ research abilities on our platform. They’ll come to you already armed with answers to their most important questions, well-versed in how your community meets their needs, and how easy the transition is going to be for them. The final byproduct of this is that you’ll get more move-ins.
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April 2022: Highlights of the highlighting project
As we embark on highlighting Family Insight videos we feel compelled to share the exciting story that's emerging, of how retirement homes change people’s lives—specifically, the lives of the adult children. The message in these stories is sure to be heartening for family caregivers across Canada.
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March 2022: How can we inspire prospects to move sooner?
A look at changes we just launched -- and bigger changes forthcoming to the profile-- that will help inspire prospects to move sooner, so that members don't hear from seniors that they "wish [they] had done this sooner."
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February 2022: This is where we're headed
A perpetually renewed focus on the humanity we share with those in our care is what will keep this industry vibrant in the coming years. Now, more than ever, this is the story that’s going to be most important for us to share: care and connection.
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January 2022: Five trends that will make this year great
After another challenging year and looking forward to hopefully better times, we look at some things we’ve learned, and some good things that are happening, both in our industry and in the country in general.
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November 2021: Deepening Comfort Life members’ influence
In recent years, video has taken increased precedence in online marketing, making up more than 82% of all consumer internet traffic. Video has always been part of ComfortLife.ca, but in recent months, we’ve added three separate interview series, totalling hundreds of videos. The latest of these is our series of Family Insight videos.
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October 2021: Changing people’s minds one step at a time
In a survey of seniors released last year, only 3% of them said they want to move to a retirement home. 95% believe their own home is the safest place to live during the pandemic. How do we change people’s minds? One step at a time.
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September 2021: The value of reaching a national audience
We’ve just completed work on The 19th annual Comfort Life Retirement Guide, being distributed nationally next month in Vancouver, Calgary, Toronto, and 100+ cities and towns across Canada. Comfort Life’s national reach broadens your audience by as much as 81%.
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August 2021: What does it mean to think big?
What does it really mean to think big? We believe it’s about looking at a big picture of where you’re going while taking measured steps in that direction.
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July 2021: A new day is dawning
We’re excited to be at the forefront of the growing buzz around the retirement home industry, as things begin to return to normal and we spread the good news about retirement living.
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June 2021: Take five to be inspired
In our just launched Inspiring Leaders Series, you’ll hear people expressing visions that are ambitious, innovative, and inspiring.
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May 2021: Share in a fresh, new narrative
I’m impressed with the vibrant communities you create, the unique programs you run, and the lifestyle of people living in retirement across Canada. We continue to work diligently to provide Canadians with news that disrupts the prevalent story, and we want to showcase your best and brightest. We invite you to share your heartfelt stories in our 19th annual Comfort Life retirement guide.
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April 2021: Becoming a cultural force
Over recent years, Comfort Life’s original potential has come to fruition, with ComfortLife.ca growing into a contemporary virtual assistant, and we’ve continuously rolled out articles and tools that improve, deepen, and sharpen Canadians’ research into retirement living and senior care.
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March 2021: A new way to tell your story: the Comfort Life Insider Perspective video series
We’re delighted to share with you the launch of a powerful new retirement-choice resource: The Comfort Life Insider Perspectives Video Series. In this series of 70+ videos, we spoke with managers and directors from across Canada, each offering personal insight into their retirement community.
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February 2021: With gratitude, life becomes rich
It seems that we can now indeed envision a return to "ordinary life" in the foreseeable future, but when that day comes, we want to hold fast to the lessons in gratitude we’ve learned from the pandemic.
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January 2021: Putting your best voice forward
For many years now, Comfort Life has been the platform Canadians have steadfastly turned to for all their senior care and retirement decisions, and we continue to reach new heights in influence.
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